Line of research: Orthogonal Ray Imaging
Project abstract:
The project aims at characterizing and defining optimum parameters of a 3D imaging system for assisting external beam radiotherapy treatments. The principle is based on 1D detection of scattered photons emitted perpendicularly to the incoming beam, with the second and third coordinates being given by the position of such beam. Simulations with an anthropomorphic phantom, and experimental results with a heterogeneous phantom have been showing how such system may potentially provide pertinent assistance to photon and particle radiotherapy, eventually improving its effectiveness in the future if such system is brought into clinical operation.
Collaborating institutions (external photon beam radiotherapy):
LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
UC - University of Coimbra
IPO - Porto - Instituto Português de Oncologia de Francisco Gentil do Porto, E.P.E.
Collaborating institutions (proton therapy):
LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
UC - University of Coimbra
TU Delft - Delft University of Technology
LMU - Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München
Some publications/presentations:
P. Crespo, I. Bravo, M. Capela, A. Cavaco, R. Ferreira Marques, P. Fonte, M.C. Lopes, H. Pereira, P.J.B.M. Rachinhas, J. Santos, P. Soares, J. Silva, H. Simões, P.C.P.S. Simões, From radiotherapy dose monitoring to low-dose morphologic imaging with scanned megavoltage X-rays, International Conference on Translational Research in Radio-Oncology and Physics for Health in Europe 2014, Feb. 10-14, 2014, Geneva
P. Crespo, Terapia com feixes de iões, I Encontro Nacional de Física Médica e Engenharia Biomédica, Nov. 7-9, 2013, Portuguese Institute of Oncology of Lisbon
H. Simões, M. Capela, A. Cavaco, P. Fonte, M.C. Lopes, P.J.B.M. Rachinhas, P. Soares, P.C.P.S. Simões, P. Crespo, Orthogonal ray imaging: from dose monitoring in external beam therapy to low-dose morphologic imaging with scanned megavoltage X-rays, Conference Proteção Radiológica na Saúde 2013, Sept. 18-20, 2013, Lisbon
M. Cunha, M. Pinto, B. Ferreira, P. Fonte, M.C. Lopes, P. Crespo, Dose-free monitoring of radiotherapy treatments with scattered photons: concept and simulation study, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60:4 (2013) 3119-3126
H. Simões, M. Cunha, M. Pinto, J. Gonçalves, L. Sampaio, R.J. Ferreira, H.M. Saraiva, A.R. Barbeiro, M. Capela, B. Ferreira, P. Fonte, S. Ghithan, A. Leal Plaza, M.C. Lopes, P. Martins, P. Crespo, Dose-free monitoring of radiotherapy treatments with scattered photons: first experimental results at a 6-MV linac, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 60:4 (2013) 3110-3118
H. Simões, I. Bravo, M. Capela, A. Cavaco, R. Ferreira Marques, P. Fonte, J. Lencart, M.C. Lopes, H. Pereira, P.J.B.M. Rachinhas, J.A.M. Santos, P. Soares, P.C.P.S. Simões, P. Crespo, Observation of tumor morphological changes in lung irradiation with orthogonal ray imaging: RTmonitoring - a simulation study, 2013 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. & Med. Imag. Conf. (NSS/MIC), Oct. 27 - Nov. 2, 2013, Seoul, South Korea.
A.K. Biegun, E. Seravalli, P. Cambraia Lopes, I. Rinaldi, M. Pinto, D.C. Oxley, P. Dendooven, F. Verhaegen, K. Parodi, P. Crespo, D.R. Schaart, Time-of-flight neutron rejection to improve prompt gamma imaging for proton range verification: a simulation study, Phys. Med. Biol. 57 (2012) 6429-6444
M.C. Battaglia, H. Simões, V. Bellini, E. Cisbani, M.C. Lopes, P. Crespo, Orthogonal ray imaging with megavoltage beams: simulated results with an anthropomorphic phantom, In Conf. Records 2012 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. & Med. Imag. Conf. (NSS/MIC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Oct. 2012, pp. 3854-3859
H. Simões, M.C. Battaglia, M. Capela, M.C. Lopes, P. Crespo, Rotation-free computed tomography with orthogonal ray imaging: first millimetric experimental results, In Conf. Records 2012 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. & Med. Imag. Conf. (NSS/MIC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Oct. 2012, pp. 3605-3612
P. Cambraia Lopes, M. Pinto, H. Simões, A.K. Biegun, P. Dendooven, D.C. Oxley, K. Parodi, D.R. Schaart, P. Crespo, Optimization of collimator designs for real-time proton range verification by measuring prompt gamma rays, In Conf. Records 2012 IEEE Nucl. Sci. Symp. & Med. Imag. Conf. (NSS/MIC), Anaheim, CA, USA, Oct. 2012, pp. 3864-3870
H. Simões, A.R. Barbeiro, M.C. Battaglia, M. Capela, M. Cunha, B. Ferreira, R.J. Ferreira, P. Fonte, J. Gonçalves, M. Pinto, L. Sampaio, H.M. Saraiva, A. Leal Plaza, M. C. Lopes, P. Crespo, Orthogonal imaging for radiology and radiotherapy, 2012 LIP workshop, Feb. 21-23, 2012, Lisbon