Line of research: new device for
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Project abstract:
Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) refers to the induction of biocurrents
in the brain by using Faraday's law of induction.
The technique is largely used for brain research, and shows a great
potential for handling several neurological disorders.
Despite being more than twenty five years old, deep-brain
TMS is strongly impaired by surface discontinuities that render
even the most modern TMS devices incapable of stimulating the center of
the brain with intensities larger than 50% of the stimuli induced
in the superficial cortex. Our collaboration between
University of Coimbra,
and the
University of Lisbon
is devising a new system of coils
immersed in a conducting liquid that allows for the first time to reach
the center of the brain with stimuli larger than 50% in respect to those
induced in the superficial cortex. Motivating simulation and experimental work
is ongoing.
Collaborating institutions:

Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

UC -
University of Coimbra

Instituto de Biofísica e Engenharia Biomédica,
University of Lisbon
Some publications/presentations:

P. Crespo, H. Simões, M. Dias Silva, C. Vieira Ferreira, L. Jesus,
H. Oliveira, P. Cavaleiro Miranda, P. Fonte, R. Salvador, J. Silvestre,
Experimental demonstration of induction by means of a
transcranial magnetic stimulator coil immersed in a conducting liquid,
5as Jornadas do Departamento de Física e Matemática do ISEC,
Apr. 17, 2013, Coimbra

H. Simões, M. Dias Silva , C. Vieira Ferreira, L. Jesus, H. Oliveira,
P. Cavaleiro Miranda , R. Salvador, P. Crespo, J. Silvestre,
Experimental demonstration of induction by means of a
transcranial magnetic stimulator coil immersed in a conducting liquid,
In Conf. Records IEEE 3rd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering (ENBENG), Braga,
Feb. 2013

M. Dias Silva, C. Vieira Ferreira, H. Oliveira, P. Fonte, L. Jesus,
R. Salvador, J. Silvestre, P. Crespo,
Multiple coils in a conducting liquid for deep and whole-brain
transcranial magnetic stimulation. II. Multiple-frequency excitation,
In Conf. Records IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering (ENBENG),
Coimbra, Feb. 2012

H. Oliveira, M. Dias Silva, C. Vieira Ferreira, P. Fonte, L. Jesus,
R. Salvador, J. Silvestre, P. Crespo,
Multiple coils in a conducting liquid for deep and whole-brain
transcranial magnetic stimulation. I. Single-frequency excitation,
In Conf. Records IEEE 2nd Portuguese Meeting in Bioengineering (ENBENG),
Coimbra, Feb. 2012

H. Oliveira, L. Jesus, P. Cavaleiro Miranda, C. Vieira Ferreira,
R. Salvador, M. Dias Silva, J. Silvestre, P. Crespo,
Sobre a potencial inibição de crises epilépticas através de
estimulação biomagnética transcraniana,
presentation to the Department of Neurology, Coimbra University Hospitals,
Sep. 2011