Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas





Spin-off technologies for Cancer Diagnostics

// Instruments and methods for biomedical applications

Instrumentos e Métodos para Aplicações Biomédicas

The group on Spin-off Technologies for Cancer Diagnosis (STDC) was created ten years ago around the development of a new Positron Emission Tomography scanner (ClearPEM) for breast cancer diagnosis, exploiting technologies developed at LIP for the CMS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.

Scientific research, technological development and laboratory testing of new PET scanners is pursued at the laboratory infrastructure TagusLIP, dedicated to the development of new nuclear medicine technologies. The TagusLIP infrastructure is installed at Taguspark.

The ClearPEM project was developed by a national consortium of research institutes and clinical centers under the LIP leadership. The consortium is formed by institutions specialized in the areas of physics, nuclear medicine, radiation detectors, biophysics, medical engineering, electronics, computing, mechanical engineering and robotics, and by the start-up company PETsys, which collaborated to develop new technologies applied to cancer detection.


The ClearPEM consortium collaborated in the development of multi-modality imaging systems integrating PET and Ultra-Sound with institutes of the international Crystal Clear Collaboration, namely CERN Switzerland, INFN-Milano Italy, Univ. Hospital Nord Marseille France, Hospital San Gerardo Monza Italy.

Since 2011 the LIP/STCD group is part of the consortium EndoTOFPET funded by the FP7 framework program of the European Union. This project is being developed until July 2015 with the aim of developing an endoscopic PET and ultrasound probe, associated with an external PET detector for detection of prostate and pancreatic cancer. LIP coordinates the Work Package 4, responsible for the electronics and data acquisition systems.

The LIP/STCD group is part of the FP7 Marie Curie Training Network (ITN) PICOSEC, focused in the development of sensors with very good time resolution for Time-of-Flight PET.

// Research Area
Física Experimental de Partículas com aceleradores
Group Leader:  
João Varela



  • Validation of a highly integrated SiPM readout system with a TOF-PET demonstrator
  • Author(s):  Tahereh Niknejad, Saeed Setayeshi, Stefaan Tavernier, Ricardo Bugalho, Jose Carlos Rasteiro Da Silva, Agostino Di Francesco, Luis Ferramacho, Carlos Leong, Manuel Rolo, Mahnaz Shamshirsaz, Rui Silva, Miguel Silveira, Carlos Zorraquino, Joao Varela
  • Submission:  2016-08-01, Acceptance:  2016-11-17, Publication:  2016-12-06
  • Reference:  2016 JINST 11 P12003, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/P12003   View publication

  • A new method for depth of interaction determination in PET detectors
  • Author(s):  Marco Pizzichemi, Gianluca Stringhini, Tahereh Niknejad, Zheng Liu, Paul Lecoq, Stefaan Tavernier, Joao Varela, Marco Paganoni, Etiennette Auffray
  • Submission:  2016-01-15, Acceptance:  2016-05-03, Publication:  2016-06-01
  • Reference:  Phys. Med. Biol. 61 (2016) 4679–4698, doi:10.1088/0031-9155/61/12/4679   View publication

  • Asymmetric Data Acquisition System for an Endoscopic PET-US Detector
  • Author(s):  Carlos Zorraquino et al. (12 authors)
  • Submission:  2016-02-15, Acceptance:  2016-02-15, Publication:  2016-02-15
  • Reference:  IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 63 (2016) 213-221  

  • EndoTOFPET-US: a Multi-Modal Endoscope for Ultrasound and Time of Flight PET
  • Author(s):  Joao Varela, on behalf of the EndoTOFPET-US Collaboration
  • Publication:  2014-12-31
  • Reference:  IEEE/NSS/MIC Conference Records 2014  

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  • ANTS
  •  Anger camera-type detector simulation and experimental data processing tools.
  •     website

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Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas   LIP.PT

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