Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



Co-financiado por:


Fake News and Real People – Using Big Data to Understand Human Behaviour

853566 - FARE

Entidade Beneficiária

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Sumário do Projecto


Suporte sob

Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Região de Intervenção




Custo total elegível
€ 1,499,844.00

Apoio financeiro da UE
Financiamento p/ LIP
€ 1.50
€ 1,499,844.00

Apoio financeiro da UE
€ 0.00







A crítica, a dúvida e a humildadeArticle in Outreach Journalpublished
A importância de saber que não se sabe: notas sobre a relação entre (sobre)confiança e desinformaçãoBook/Chapterpublished
Intermediate levels of scientific knowledge are associated with overconfidence and negative attitudes towards scienceArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
Privacy and DisinformationArticle in Outreach Journalpublished
Societal Implications of Recommendation Systems: A Technical PerspectiveBook/Chapterpublished
Why do we believe in false information?Article in Outreach Journalpublished


“Doing the Research”: Differential Tracking in Disinformation Websites and its Impact on Search Engine Results and Third-Party ContentOral presentation in international conference
A little knowledge is a dangerous thingOutreach seminar
A little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Excess Confidence Explains Negative Attitudes Towards SciencePoster presentation in international conference
A little Knowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Excess Confidence Explains Negative Attitudes Towards ScienceOral presentation in international conference
A Little Knowledge Is A Dangerous Thing: Excess Confidence Explains Negative Attitudes Towards ScienceOral presentation in international conference
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: excess confidence explains negative attitudes towards science.Oral presentation in international conference
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing: excess confidence, science communication and negative attitudes towards scienceSeminar
A Popularity Model for Information Spreading: Twitter as a Case StudyOral presentation in international conference
A popularity model for information spreading: Twitter as a case studyOral presentation in international conference
A Revolução Digital e os Dados: como influenciam as nossas vidas?Outreach seminar
A socio-metacognitive model of pluralistic ignorance: The case of prejudiceOral presentation in international conference
An evolutionary model for the spread of information on TwitterOral presentation in international conference
An evolutionary model for the spread of information on TwitterOral presentation in international conference
An evolutionary model for the spread of information on TwitterOral presentation in international conference
Are The Least Knowledgeable Unaware Of It? A Statistical Revisitation Of The Dunning-Kruger EffectSeminar
Bursting the Bubble: an Auditing System of Search Engine Results in the Context of Fake News SpreadingSeminar
Communication in Science: are we living in a misinformation era?Outreach seminar
Desafios regulamentares e societais: o que nos espera? (panel discussion)Outreach seminar
Digital PandemicsOutreach seminar
Digital transition (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Experiências com ERC (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Fake News (keynote)Presentation in national conference
Fiction and Fake (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Física Social e ComplexidadeSeminar
How do we know what we know?Outreach seminar
Impact(s) of human, data, and algorithmic biasOral presentation in international conference
Impacto na Decisão e na Sociedade (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Inteligência Artificial (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Is a little knowledge a bad thing? The relationship between scientific knowledge, overconfidence, and negative attitudes towards science.Seminar
Misinformation/Fake News – what’s new? (keynote)Oral presentation in international conference
Os Desafios da Inteligência Artificial na Máquina do Estado (panel discussion)Outreach seminar
Pessoas informadas, pessoas ciberseguras (panel discussion)Outreach seminar
Populismo, Ativismo Digital e Fake NewsOral presentation in advanced training events
Public Law facing the pandemic: the Portuguese contextOral presentation in international conference
Risks and Ethics in Data ScienceOral presentation in advanced training events
Science & misinformation: the first pandemic in the digital age (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Social PhysicsOral presentation in advanced training events
Social PhysicsOral presentation in advanced training events
Some scientific knowledge is a dangerous thing: overconfidence grows non-linearly with knowledgeOral presentation in international conference
Tale of two pandemics: a computational approach to the study of disease spreadingSeminar
The diffusion of information in social media – How complex is it?Poster presentation in international conference
The future of Complex Systems Science (roundtable)Oral presentation in advanced training events
The Gordian Knot of Fighting DisinformationSeminar
The importance of data-analysis for decision makingSeminar
The microevolution of information on social mediaPoster presentation in international conference
The spread of information on social media: a model based on evolutionary principlesSeminar
Unpacking bias: perspectives from neuroscience and social psychology (roundtable)Outreach seminar
Using Fake News to study behaviourOral presentation in advanced training events
Vamos Falar de Ética e Dados (roundtable)Outreach seminar
What is Social Physics?Seminar
Who believes in “Fake News”? Misinformation as a model system to study behaviorSeminar
Who believes in “Fake News”? Misinformation as a model system to study behaviorOral presentation in national or international meeting
Why do we believe in Disinformation?Outreach seminar
Why do we believe in misinformation?Seminar


Differential tracking on disinformation websites and its impact on search engine results
PandeMedia: an annotated corpus of digital media for issue salience
The role of competition in the diffusion of misinformation
The Social Bayesian Brain: The roles of identity complexity and informational environment in belief updating


Alexander Andrew Davidson
Ana Vranic
Angela Cardoso Gamado Espinheira Rijo
Carolina Cativo Viegas Custódio
Corentin Srun
Cristina Soares Pacheco Mendonça
Hamid Shahzad
Hugo Miguel Martins Cachitas
Joana Gonçalves de Sá
João Pedro dos Santos Franco
José Maria de Barros e Carvalhosa da Silva Reis
Lília de Fátima Gomes Perfeito
Miguel Félix Duarte
Paulo Almeida
Pedro Henrique Carrilho Canatário Duarte
Pedro Henrique Carrilho Canatário Duarte
Rita Rebocho Vilas Saraiva
Simone Lackner
Tiago José de Oliveira Miranda



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Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas   LIP.PT

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