LIP Summer Student Program
July-September 2019 - LIP (Braga - Coimbra - Lisboa)
The 3rd edition of the LIP Summer Student Program, for physics and engineering undergraduate students, will take place from July 1st to September 15th 2019. Internships last for a period from two weeks to two months.
The program includes a week of tutorials with introductory lectures in particle and astroparticle physics, detectors and experimental methods as well as hands-on sessions covering baseline tools for data analysis. The program ends with a workshop (early September), where each student contributes with a presentation summarizing the results obtained. Few informal gatherings are further foreseen.
[4-5 September 2019]
Final Workshop, 3Is Lisbon.
Students present the results and outcome of their research projects.
[08-30 August 2019]
August Chats - Students present to their peers one challenge they are addressing as part of their research projects.
[15-19 July 2019]
Week of lectures and tutorials, program available here.
[15 April to 31 May 2019]
Registration will be open from April 15th to May 31st and the list of projects is available here, including a short description, dates and contacts.
Calendar of presentation sessions in some faculties
FCUL - Lisboa |
IST - Lisboa |
UMinho - Braga |
Room C8.5.26
- May 2nd, Thursday - 13h
- May 6th, Monday - 12h
LIP Room (Physics Department entrance)
- May 7th, Thuesday - 17h
- May 8th, wednesday - 16h
Room CP3-3.02
- May 15th, wednesday - 15h