An interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine for science
interTwin (ID:101058386)
Entidade Beneficiária
LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
Sumário do Projecto
interTwin co-designs and implements the prototype of an interdisciplinary Digital Twin Engine (DTE), an open source platform thatprovides generic and tailored software components for modelling and simulation to integrate application-specific Digital Twins (DTs).Its specifications and implementation are based on a co-designed conceptual model - the DTE blueprint architecture - guided by theprinciples of open standards and interoperability. The ambition is to develop a common approach to the implementation of DTs thatis applicable across the whole spectrum of scientific disciplines and beyond to facilitate developments and collaboration.Co-design involves DT use cases for High energy physics, Radio astronomy, Astroparticle physics, Climate research, andEnvironmental monitoring, whose complex requirements are expected to significantly advance the state of the art of modelling andsimulation using heterogeneous distributed digital infrastructures, advanced workflow composition, real-time data management andprocessing, quality and uncertainty tracing of models, data fusion and analytics. As a result, a consolidation of software technologiessupporting research will emerge.The validation of the technology with multiple infrastructure facilities, will boost the accessibility of users to technological capacityand the support of AI uptake in research. interTwin builds on the capacities of experts from pan-European research infrastructuresand the long tail of science, an open source community of technology providers that will deliver TRL 6/7 capabilities to implement theinterdisciplinary DTE, experts of the European Centre of Excellence in Exascale Computing, and infrastructure providers from the EGIFederation, PRACE and EuroHPC supporting data and compute intensive science. interTwin key exploitable results will be continuallyco-developed and aligned with the contribution of external initiatives such as Destination Earth, EOSC, EuroGEO and EU data spaces.
Suporte sob
Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação
Região de Intervenção
Custo total elegível
€ 12,000,000.00
Apoio financeiro da UE
Financiamento p/ LIP
€ 12,000,000.00
€ 342,812.00
Apoio financeiro público Nacional
€ 0.00
Kickoff meeting: LIP partner presentation | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
João António Tomásio Pina |
Jorge Humberto Lúcio Oliveira Gomes |
José Miguel Viana Alves |
Samuel Sousa Nascimento Bernardo |
Zacarias José Miranda Benta |