Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



Co-financiado por:

República Portuguesa 

LHC-SND_Participation in the SND@LHC experiment at CERN


Entidade Beneficiária

LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas

Sumário do Projecto


Suporte sob

Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação

Região de Intervenção




Custo total elegível
€ 40,000.00

Apoio financeiro da UE
Financiamento p/ LIP
€ 0.00
€ 40,000.00

Apoio financeiro da UE
€ 40.000








Versão Extensa: Este trabalho é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito do projeto CERN/FIS-INS/0028/2021

Versão Resumida: OE,FCT-Portugal, CERN/FIS-INS/0028/2021


Observation of collider muon neutrinos with the SND@LHC experimentArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published
SND@LHC: The Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHCArticle in international journal (with direct contribution from team)published


A scintillating fibre tracker for neutrino physics at LHCOral presentation in international conference
AdvancedSND @HL-LHCOral presentation in national or international meeting
Analysis note updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis strategy discussionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis ToolsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Analysis updatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Arrival time in TI-18Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Data analysisOral presentation in advanced training events
Data analysis and fitting tutorialOral presentation in advanced training events
Data Timing FeaturesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Distinguishing decay processes for Heavy Neutral Leptons with Machine Learning at SHiPStudent presentation in advanced training event
efining a Pion Interaction Wall Criterion using the Beam ShapeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Electron neutrino search and nue/nuNC separationOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Electron neutrino search with electronic detectorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Event selection updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Exploring plots for the paperOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Feasibility of neutrino detection in the muon system¶Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
First studies with SND@LHCStudent presentation in advanced training event
Fitting with ROOTOral presentation in advanced training events
Flavour Anomalies at LHC Oral presentation in advanced training events
Forthcoming collaboration meetingOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Golden sample updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Installation and commissioning of the VetoOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Intrabar SiPM Time Alignment on the Upstream Muon System and Veto SystemOral presentation in national or international meeting
Introduction to LHC PhysicsOral presentation in advanced training events
Introduction to LHC PhysicsOral presentation in advanced training events
Let's talk about... Neutrinos!Outreach seminar
LHC Physics at the Intensity FrontierSeminar
Lisbon proposal: SND@LHC Collaboration week 2024Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Measurement of Collider Neutrinos with the SND@LHC ExperimentStudent presentation in advanced training event
Muon arrival time in TI18Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Muon flux monitoring in different angular regionsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Muon flux monitoring in different angular regions (update)Oral presentation in collaboration meeting
Muon neutrino energy reconstructionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Muon neutrino search with 2023 dataOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutral background updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutral hadron background updateOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutrino analysis and simulationsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutrino event selection with electronic detectorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutrino experiments at the intensity and energy frontiersSeminar
Neutrino search with electronic detectorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutrino selection with electronic detectorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Neutrinos com SND@LHCOutreach seminar
New Era in Neutrino Physics at Colliders: construction and physics of SND@LHC experimentPoster presentation in international conference
New physics with machine learningOral presentation in advanced training events
New Physics with Machine Learning, Hands-on TutorialOral presentation in advanced training events
Observation of collider neutrinos with FASER and SND@LHCOral presentation in international conference
Observing and measuring the first LHC neutrinosStudent presentation in advanced training event
Observing collider neutrinos with SND@LHC: the detectorSeminar
Observing collider neutrinos with SND@LHC: the first resultsSeminar
On FASERnu resultsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Particle detectorsOral presentation in advanced training events
Physics coordination reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Progress of Test Beam AnalysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Services for the AdvancedSND Near detectorOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Shifter reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Shifter reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Shifter reportOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SHiP & SND@LHCOral presentation in national or international meeting
Shower Origin Tagging in the Testbeam SetupOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SND@LHC CalibrationOral presentation in national or international meeting
SND@LHC Control Room at CERNOral presentation in collaboration meeting
SND@LHC design and performanceSeminar
SND@LHC OverviewOral presentation in national or international meeting
SND@LHC PhysicsOral presentation in national or international meeting
sRPC Telescope @LHCOral presentation in national or international meeting
sRPC telescope statusOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of sRPC telescopeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of sRPC telescopeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of sRPC telescopeOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Status of the nue search with electronic detectorsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
The SHiP experiment and the MRPC technologyOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Time alignment for US and VetoOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Time Between Consecutive EventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Time Between Consecutive EventsOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on neutral backgroundOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on neutrino analysisOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on neutrino selectionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on neutrino selectionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
Update on neutrino selectionOral presentation in collaboration meeting
UpdatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
UpdatesOral presentation in collaboration meeting
 Towards Intrabar SiPM Time Alignment on the Upstream Muon SystemOral presentation in national or international meeting

16th SND@LHC Collaboration meetingCollaboration Meeting2024-03-05 / 2024-03-07


Measurement of Collider Neutrinos with the SND@LHC Experiment
Searching for beyond Standard Model particles decaying to muon pairs in SND@LHC


Alberto Blanco Castro
Cristóvão Fernandes Vilela
Guilherme Machado Santos Soares
Henrique de Sousa Santos
João Pedro de Carvalho Saraiva
Luís Alberto Vieira Lopes
Maria Paula Frazão Bordalo e Sá
Nuno Teotónio Viegas Guerreiro Leonardo
Paulo Jorge Ribeiro da Fonte
Sérgio Eduardo de Campos Costa Ramos



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Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas   LIP.PT

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