Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



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João Paulo Martins

Researcher ( LIP Lisboa )



  • Running high resolution coastal models in forecast systems: moving from workstations and HPC cluster to cloud resources,
  • Autor(es):  João Rogeiro, Marta Rodrigues, Alberto Azevedo, Anabela Oliveira, João Paulo Martins, Mário David, João Pina, Nuno Dias, Jorge Gomes
  • Submission:  2016-01-15   Acceptance:  2017-10-30   Publication:  2018-02-06
  • Reference:  Advances in Engineering Software, Volume 117, 2018, Pages 70-79, ISSN 0965-9978, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.advengsoft.2017.04.002  

  • Suporte para o tier-2 de ATLAS e CMS no contexto do memorando de entendimento do WLCG II
  • Autor(es):  J.Gomes, J.Pina, M.David, J.P.Martins
  • Submission:  2016-03-15   Acceptance:  2016-03-15   Publication:  2016-03-15
  • Reference:  Proposal of extension of the Portuguese Tier-2 project RECI-II/FIS-NUC/0115/2012  

  • Support for the ATLAS and CMS Portuguese Tier-2 in the Context of the WLCG MoU Final Report
  • Autor(es):  J.Gomes, J.Pina, M.David, J.P.Martins, N.Dias, H.Gomes
  • Submission:  2016-01-30   Acceptance:  2016-01-30   Publication:  2016-01-30
  • Reference:    

  • SPARKS, a dynamic power-aware approach for managing computing cluster resources
  • Autor(es):  J.Martins, G.Borges, N.Dias, H.Gomes, J.Gomes, J.Pina, C.Manuel
  • Publication:  2013-11-30
  • Reference:  7th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings pp:3-15, ISBN:978-84-9048-110-3  

  • Analyzing File Access Patterns in Distributed File-systems
  • Autor(es):  J.Gomes, J.Pina, G.Borges, J.Martins, N.Dias, H.Gomes, C.Manuel
  • Publication:  2013-11-30
  • Reference:  7th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings pp:89-101, ISBN:978-84-9048-110-3  

  • Fostering multi-scientific usage in the Iberian production infrastructure
  • Autor(es):  G. Borges, M. David, H. Gomes, J. Gomes, J. Martins, J. Pina et al
  • Publication:  2012-04-01
  • Reference:  Computing and Informatics, Vol. 31 number 1, 2012, pp 61-72, ISSN 1335-9150  

  • Fostering multi-scientific usage in the Iberian production infrastructure
  • Autor(es):  G. Borges, M. David, H. Gomes, J. Gomes, J. Martins, J. Pina et al
  • Publication:  2011-06-10
  • Reference:  IBERGRID, 5th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-84-9745-884-9, pag 17-27  

  • Experience on running the Ibergrid infrastructure within EGI
  • Autor(es):  I. Campos, E. Fernandez, A.Lopez, J. Marco, P.Orviz, G.Borges, J. Gomes, H. Gomes, M. David, J. Pina, J. Martins et al
  • Publication:  2011-06-08
  • Reference:  IBERGRID, 5th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings ISBN 978-84-9745-884-9, pag 3-16  

  • Portuguese Tier-2 readiness
  • Autor(es):  G. Borges, G. Barreira, M. David, N. Dias, H. Gomes, J. Gomes, J. Martins, M. Oliveira
  • Submission:  2010-05-24   Acceptance:  2010-05-24   Publication:  2010-05-24
  • Reference:  Proceedings of IBERGRID, “4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference”, Alberto Proença et. al. (Eds.), Universidade do Minho, ISBN 978-84-9745-549-7  

  • The CMS Iberian Computing Sites performance
  • Autor(es):  E. Accion et al (including G. Borges, M. David, J. Gomes J. Martins, M. Oliveira)
  • Publication:  2010-05-24
  • Reference:  4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure conference proceedings, Ed.: Netbiblo ISBN: 978-84-9745-549-7, Pages: 177-188  

  • The CMS Iberian Computing Sites performance in the advent of the LHC era
  • Autor(es):  E. Accion, N. Almeida, V. Acin, G. Bernabeu, G. Borges, A. Bria, M. Caubet, N. Colino, M. David, M. Delfino, A. Delgado-Peris, J. Flix, J. Gomes, J. Hernandez, F. Lopez, F. Martinez, J. Martins, G. Merino, M. Oliveira, E.
  • Publication:  2010-05-24
  • Reference:  4th Iberian GRID Infrastructure Conference, Braga (May 24-27 2010)  

  • Portuguese Tier-2 readiness
  • Autor(es):  Gonçalo Borges, Gaspar Barreira, Mario David, Nuno Dias, Hugo Gomes, Jorge Gomes, João Martins, Miguel Oliveira
  • Publication:  2010-05-24
  • Reference:  4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure conference proceedings, Ed.: Netbiblo ISBN: 978-84-9745-549-7, Pages: 201-211  

  • Contribution of the Iberian Grid Resources to the Production of Simulated Physics Events for the ATLAS experiment
  • Autor(es):  M. Kaci et al (including G. Borges, M.David, J. Gomes, J. Martins, M. Oliveira, H.Wolters)
  • Publication:  2010-05-24
  • Reference:  4th Iberian Grid Infrastructure conference proceedingsm, Ed.: Netbiblo ISBN: 978-84-9745-549-7, Pages: 165-176  

  • Proceedings of the Cracow Grid Workshop 2008
  • Autor(es):  G. Barreira, J. Gomes, G. Borges, M. David, J. Martins, N. Dias, H. Gomes
  • Publication:  2009-07-01
  • Reference:  Proceedings of the Cracow Grid Workshop 2008; 8 pag; 2009  

  • Grid Enabled Storage Systems at LIP
  • Autor(es):  Mário David, Jorge Gomes, Goncalo Borges, Joao Martins, Miguel Oliveira
  • Submission:  2009-05-20   Acceptance:  2009-05-20   Publication:  2009-05-20
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2009 (3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings) Ed. V. Hernández et al., pp 85-95  

  • Iberian ATLAS computing: Facing data taking
  • Autor(es):  X. Espinal, H. Wolters, G. Borges, J. Carvalho, M.David, N. Dias, J. Gomes, M. Oliveira et al
  • Publication:  2009-05-20
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2009 (3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings) Ed. V. Hernández et al., pp 187-209  

  • INGRID main grid computing centre: the seed infrastructure for the Portuguese NGI
  • Autor(es):  G. Borges, J. Gomes, M. David, J. Martins, N. Dias
  • Publication:  2009-05-20
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2009 (3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings) Ed. V. Hernández et al., pp19-28  

  • The Readiness of CMS computing centres on the WLCG grid: The Spanish and Portuguese case
  • Autor(es):  E. Accion, N. Almeida, G. Borges, M. David, J. Gomes, J. Martins, M. Oliveira et al.
  • Publication:  2009-05-20
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2009 (3rd Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings) Ed. V. Hernández et al., pp 210-221  

  • The ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider
  • Autor(es):  G. Aad et al
  • Acceptance:  2008-05-07   Publication:  2008-08-14
  • Reference:  JINST 3 S08003, 2008  

  • Spanish and Portuguese contributions to CMS computing Grid activities
  • Autor(es):  E. Accion, N. Almeida, G. Bernabeu, G. Borges, A. Bria, I. Cabrillo, N. Colino, M. David, M. Delfino, A. Delgado-Peris, J. Flix, J. Gomes, I. Gonzalez Caballero, J. Hernandez, A. Lopez, R. Marco, F. Martinez, J. P. Martins
  • Publication:  2008-05-14
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2008 (2nd Iberian GRID Infrastructure Conference Proceedings), Ed. F. Silva et al., pp.31-42 (2008)  

  • Distributed ATLAS computing activities in IBERIA
  • Autor(es):  X. Espinal, H. Wolters et al
  • Publication:  2008-05-12
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2008 (2nd Iberian GRID Infrastructure Conference Proceedings), Ed. F. Silva et al., pp.19-30 (2008)  

  • Resource integration in gLite based grid infrastructures
  • Autor(es):  G. Borges, M. David, J. Gomes, J. P. Martins, M. Montecelo, N. Dias, J. Lopez, A. Simon, E. Garcia
  • Publication:  2008-05-01
  • Reference:  IBERGRID 2008 (2nd Iberian GRID Infrastructure Conference Proceedings), Ed. F. Silva et al, pp.67-78  

  • The Interactive European Grid: Project Objectives and Achievements
  • Autor(es):  J.Marco, I.Campos, I.Coterillo, I.Diaz, A.Lopez, R.Marco, C.Martinez-Rivero, P.Orviz, D.Rodriguez, J.Gomes, G.Borges, M.Montecelo, M.David, B.Silva, N.Dias, J.P.Martins, et al
  • Publication:  2008-01-01
  • Reference:  Computing anf Informatics Vol 27, 2008, pp.161-171  

  • A Grid Infrastructure for Parallel and Interactive Applications
  • Autor(es):  J.Gomes, G.Borges, M.Montecelo, M.David, B.Silva, N.Dias, J.P.Martins, et al
  • Publication:  2008-01-01
  • Reference:  Computing and Informatics, vol 27, 2008, pp.173-185  

  • Operation and management issues in the EGEE SWE grid infrastructure
  • Autor(es):  G.Borges, G.Barreira, MDavid, J.Gomes, N.Dias, J.P.Martins
  • Submission:  2006-10-15   Acceptance:  2006-10-15   Publication:  2007-07-01
  • Reference:  Proceedings of the Cracow Grid Workshop 2006, pp 491-498  

  • South-West Regional Operations Centre: Operation and Management as part of the EGEE Grid infrastructure
  • Autor(es):  M. David, G. Barreira, G. Borges, N. Dias, J. Gomes, J. P. Martins, et al
  • Publication:  2007-05-16
  • Reference:  proceedings of the IBERGRID 1st Iberian Grid Infrastructure Conference Proceedings  

  • Operation and support of a grid infrastructure
  • Autor(es):  M. David, G. Barreira, G. Borges, N.Dias, J.Gomes, J. P. Martins
  • Submission:  2006-06-02   Acceptance:  2006-06-02   Publication:  2006-06-02
  • Reference:  CISTI 2006, Vol II pag: 405-421, ISBN: 978-989-20-0271-2  

  • Experience with the International Testbed in the CrossGrid Project
  • Autor(es):  J.Gomes, M.David, J.Martins, L.Bernardo, A.Garcia, M.Hardt, H.Kornmayer, J.Marco, R.Marco et al
  • Submission:  2005-02-14   Acceptance:  2005-02-14   Publication:  2005-02-14
  • Reference:  P.M.A. Sloot et al. (Eds.): EGC 2005, LNCS 3470, pp. 98-110, 2005. Springer-Verlag  

  • First Prototype of the CrossGrid Testbed
  • Autor(es):  J.Gomes, M.David, J. Martins, L. Bernardo, J.Marco et al
  • Acceptance:  2003-12-30   Publication:  2004-01-01
  • Reference:  F. Fernández Rivera et al. (Eds.): Across Grids 2003, LNCS 2970, pp. 67-77, 2004, Springer-Verlag 2004  

Ver todas as publicações do grupo

Catarina Quintans, Lisboa

Celso Franco, Lisboa

Christophe Pires, Lisboa

Gonçalo Terça, External

Luís Silva, Lisboa

Marcin Stolarski, Lisboa

Paula Bordalo, Lisboa

Sérgio Ramos, Lisboa

Sofia Nunes, Lisboa
Estudante de Doutoramento



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