Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



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Notícias da ICHEP 2018

LIP-ECO, P. Conde, N. Leonardo | 09 Julho, 2018

"A primeira observação do decaimento do bosão de Higgs em quarks b, em que o grupo português de ATLAS está fortemente implicado, acaba de ser apresentada na conferência pela experiência ATLAS."

The XXXiX International Conference on High Energy Physics is taking place in Seoul from the 4 to the 11 July.
The first observation of the Higgs decay into b quarks has just been presented at the conference by the ATLAS experiment.
The Portuguese ATLAS team has been strongly involved in these searches for a long time.

See slide 12 of this presentation in the first highlight session,
and more info here.

Together with the observations of h->tautau and more recently tth, by CMS followed closely by ATLAS, this completes the direct observation of Yukawa interactions with the 3rd generation. next, in addition to further precision that is always certainly welcome, would be achieving the same for the lighter fermions ... Not to mention, for later, the self coupling.

you may check the full agenda of the event for more news.


Distribution of mbb from all search channels combined after subtraction of all backgrounds except for WZ and ZZ production. The data (points with error bars) are compared to the expectations from the production of WZ and ZZ (in grey) and of WH and ZH (in red). (Image: ATLAS Collaboration/CERN)

Distribution of mbb in the (W→ℓν)(H→bb) search channel. The signal is shown in red, the different backgrounds in various colours. The data are shown as points with error bars. (Image: ATLAS Collaboration/CERN)



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