AGRISPACE - Partnership Agriculture of data - data-space pilot
Entidade Beneficiária
LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
Sumário do Projecto
The project aims to implement a pilot installation for processing and sharing of data relevant to the public sector, featuring deep learning and data analytics capabilities, and including new AI/ML applications. This installation will be largely agnostic and usable in different domains. The main use case to be addressed will be the national participation in the European partnership of agriculture of data. Within this partnership, several public institutions are collaborating under the AGRIspace consortium (approved officially in 22-03-2024 by the government in to implement a data space dedicated to Portuguese agriculture, promote adoption of new technologies to create novel data products and enable massive data analysis of this public data. The project also encompasses the area of digital services design and user interaction, as it aims to facilitate access to the data for users in the public and private sectors.
Suporte sob
Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação
Região de Intervenção
Custo total elegível
€ 125,000.00
Apoio financeiro da UE
Financiamento p/ LIP
€ 0.00
€ 105,000.00
Apoio financeiro público Nacional
€ 125000