Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas



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Catarina Quintans

Researcher ( LIP Lisboa )


Email: quintans@lip.pt


  • Final COMPASS results on the transverse-spin-dependent azimuthal asymmetries in the pion-induced Drell-Yan process
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al. (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2023-12-28   Acceptance:  2024-05-14   Publication:  2024-08-14
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 071902 (2024)  

  • Double J /ψ production in pion-nucleon scattering at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al. (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2022-04-07   Acceptance:  2023-01-12   Publication:  2023-02-02
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett B 838 (2023) 137702  

  • Design of beam optics for RF-separated kaon and antiproton beams in the M2 beam line of the CERN North Area
  • Autor(es):  A. Gerbershagen et al. (14 authors)
  • Submission:  2022-04-23   Acceptance:  2022-12-27   Publication:  2022-12-29
  • Reference:  NIM A 1048 (2023) 168004  

  • The New AMBER Experiment at the CERN SPS
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans on behalf of the AMBER Coll.
  • Submission:  2022-02-25   Acceptance:  2022-08-23   Publication:  2022-09-24
  • Reference:  Few-Body Syst 63, 72 (2022)  

  • Exotic meson π1(1600) with JPC = 1^{− +} and its decay into ρ(770)π
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2021-08-06   Acceptance:  2021-09-08   Publication:  2022-01-12
  • Reference:  Phys.Rev. D 105, 012005 (2022)  

  • Probing transversity by measuring Lambda polarisation in SIDIS
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2021-06-06   Acceptance:  2021-12-08   Publication:  2021-12-13
  • Reference:  Phys.Lett. B 824 (2022) 136834  

  • The large COMPASS polarized solid ammonia target for Drell–Yan measurements with a pion beam
  • Autor(es):  V. Andrieux, C. Pires, C. Quintans et al
  • Submission:  2021-09-04   Acceptance:  2021-11-24   Publication:  2021-12-10
  • Reference:  NIM A 1025 (2022) 166069  

  • Triangle Singularity as the Origin of the a1(1420)
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2020-07-03   Acceptance:  2021-05-26   Publication:  2021-08-18
  • Reference:  Phys.Rev.Lett. 127, 082501 (2021)  

  • Spin density matrix elements in exclusive ω meson muoproduction
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2020-09-22   Acceptance:  2020-12-07   Publication:  2021-02-05
  • Reference:  Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:126  

  • Antiproton over proton and K- over K+ multiplicity ratios at high z in DIS
  • Autor(es):  G.D. Alexeev et al. (COMPASS Collab.)
  • Submission:  2020-04-05   Acceptance:  2020-06-28   Publication:  2020-07-02
  • Reference:  Phys.Lett. B 807 (2020) 135600  

  • Contribution of exclusive diffractive processes to the measured azimuthal asymmetries in SIDIS
  • Autor(es):  J. Agarwala et al. (COMPASS Coll.)
  • Submission:  2019-12-27   Acceptance:  2020-04-27   Publication:  2020-05-05
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B 956 (2020) 115039  

  • Transverse extension of partons in the proton probed in the sea-quark range by measuring the DVCS cross section
  • Autor(es):  COMPASS Collaboration
  • Submission:  2018-08-07   Acceptance:  2019-04-15   Publication:  2019-06-10
  • Reference:  Phys.Lett.B 793 (2019) 188-194  

  • Measurement of PT-weighted Sivers asymmetries in leptoproduction of hadrons
  • Autor(es):  COMPASS Collaboration
  • Submission:  2018-09-14   Acceptance:  2018-12-18   Publication:  2019-03-01
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B 940 (2019) 34–53  

  • First Measurement of Transverse-Spin-Dependent Azimuthal Asymmetries in the Drell-Yan Process
  • Autor(es):  M. Aghasyan et al. (219 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-03-31   Acceptance:  2017-07-10   Publication:  2017-09-15
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. Lett. 119 (2017) 112002  

  • First measurement of the Sivers asymmetry for gluons using SIDIS data
  • Autor(es):  COMPASS Collaboration (228 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-01-10   Acceptance:  2017-07-10   Publication:  2017-07-19
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 772 (2017) 854-864  

  • Sivers asymmetry extracted in SIDIS at the hard scales of the Drell-Yan process at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  C. Adolph et al. (225 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-07-10   Acceptance:  2017-07-10   Publication:  2017-07-10
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 770 (2017) 138-145  

  • Final COMPASS results on the deuteron spin-dependent structure function g(1)(d) and the Bjorken sum rule
  • Autor(es):  C. Adolph et al. (228 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-06-10   Acceptance:  2017-06-10   Publication:  2017-06-10
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 769 (2017) 34-41  

  • Multiplicities of charged kaons from deep-inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target
  • Autor(es):  C. Adolph et al. (227 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-04-10   Acceptance:  2017-04-10   Publication:  2017-04-10
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 767 (2017) 133-141  

  • Leading-order determination of the gluon polarisation from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering data
  • Autor(es):  COMPASS Collaboration (221 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-04-03   Acceptance:  2017-04-03   Publication:  2017-04-03
  • Reference:  Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) 209  

  • Resonance production and pi pi S-wave in pi(-) + p -> pi(-) pi(-) pi(+) + p(recoil) at 190 GeV/c
  • Autor(es):  COMPASS Collaboration (210 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-02-16   Acceptance:  2017-02-16   Publication:  2017-02-16
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. D 95 (2017) 032004  

  • Exclusive omega meson muoproduction on transversely polarised protons
  • Autor(es):  C. Adolph et al. (228 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-02-00   Acceptance:  2017-02-00   Publication:  2017-02-00
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B 915 (2017) 454-475  

  • Multiplicities of charged pions and charged hadrons from deep-inelastic scattering of muons off an isoscalar target
  • Autor(es):  C. Adolph et al. (233 authors)
  • Submission:  2017-01-10   Acceptance:  2017-01-10   Publication:  2017-01-10
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 764 (2017) 1-10  

  • Longitudinal double spin asymmetries in single hadron quasi-real photoproduction at high pT
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Submission:  2016-02-10   Acceptance:  2016-02-10   Publication:  2016-01-20
  • Reference:  Phys Lett B 753 (2016) 573  

  • The spin structure function g1 p of the proton and a test of the Bjorken sum rule
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Submission:  2016-02-10   Acceptance:  2016-02-10   Publication:  2016-01-20
  • Reference:  Phys Lett B 753 (2016) 18  

  • Interplay among transversity induced asymmetries in hadron leptoproduction
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Submission:  2016-02-10   Acceptance:  2016-02-10   Publication:  2016-01-20
  • Reference:  Phys Lett B 753 (2016) 406  

  • Observation of a new narrow axial-vector meson a1(1420)
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2015-08-01
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. D 115, 082001 (2015)  

  • Measurement of the charged-pion polarisability
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2015-02-13
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. D 114, 062002 (2015)  

  • Search for exclusive photoproduction of Z±c (3900) at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2015-02-13
  • Reference:  Phys Lett B 742 (2015) 330  

  • The COMPASS setup for physics with hadron beams
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Pires, A. S. Nunes, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, L. Silva, M. Stolarski, et al.
  • Submission:  2014-10-09   Acceptance:  2015-01-19   Publication:  2015-01-19
  • Reference:  NIMA 779 (2015) 69-115.  

  • Odd and even partial waves of ηπ− and η'π− in π−p→η(')π−p at 191 GeV/c
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Acceptance:  2014-11-04   Publication:  2015-01-05
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B740 (2015) 303  

  • Measurement of azimuthal hadron asymmetries in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering off unpolarised nucleons
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2014-07-21
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B 886 (2014) 1046-1077  

  • Spin alignment and violation of the OZI rule in exclusiveW and ϕ production in pp collisions
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2014-07-21
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B 886 (2014) 1078-1101  

  • A high-statistics measurement of transverse spin effects in dihadron production from muon-proton semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2014-06-21
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 736 (2014) 124-131  

  • Drell-Yan physics at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  Catarina Quintans (for the COMPASS Collaboration)
  • Publication:  2014-06-21
  • Reference:  PoS DIS2014 (2014) 240  

  • Measurement of radiative widths of a2 (1320) and π2(1670)
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2014-04-21
  • Reference:  Eur. Phys. J. A 50 (2014) 79  

  • Transverse target spin asymmetries in exclusive ρ0 muoproduction
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2014-02-05
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 731 (2014) 19-26  

  • Polarized Drell-Yan studies at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  Catarina Quintans (for the COMPASS Collaboration)
  • Acceptance:  2013-11-04   Publication:  2014-01-01
  • Reference:  EPJ WEB CONF 66 (2014) 06021  

  • Measurement of the Cross Section for High-pT Hadron Production in Scattering of 160 GeV/c Muons off Nucleons
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2013-11-04
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. D 88, 091101 (2013)  

  • 2009 Drell-Yan beam test 2^nd production analysis
  • Autor(es):  M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, P. Bordalo, S. Ramos
  • Publication:  2013-09-16
  • Reference:  COMPASS Note 2013_11  

  • Study of Σ(1385) and Ξ(1321) hyperon and antihyperon production in deep inelastic scattering
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2013-08-21
  • Reference:  Eur. Phys. J C 73 (2013), 2581  

  • Hadron transverse momentum distributions in muon deep inelastic scattering at 160 GeV/c
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2013-08-21
  • Reference:  Eur. Phys. J C 73 (2013), 2531  

  • Leading and Next-to-Leading Order Gluon Polarisation in the Nucleon and Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetries from Open Charm Muoproduction
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2013-03-25
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. D 87, 052018 (2013)  

  • Leading order determination of the gluon polarisation from DIS events with high-pT hadron pairs
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo. C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al
  • Publication:  2013-01-04
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B, 718 (2013) 922.  

  • D* and D Meson Production in Muon-Nucleon Interactions at 160 GeV/c
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2012-12-30   Acceptance:  2012-12-30   Publication:  2012-12-30
  • Reference:  Euro. Phys. J. C (2012) 72-2253.  

  • I - Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in mu-p SIDIS processes: Collins asymmetries
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2012-09-26   Acceptance:  2012-09-26   Publication:  2012-09-26
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B, 717, 376 (2012)  

  • II - Experimental investigation of transverse spin asymmetries in mu-p SIDIS processes: Sivers asymmetries
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2012-09-26   Acceptance:  2012-09-26   Publication:  2012-09-26
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B, 717, 383 (2012)  

  • Study of the nucleon spin structure by the Drell-Yan process in the COMPASS-II experiment
  • Autor(es):  M. Quaresma, P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, G. Terça et al., for COMPASS Collaboration
  • Submission:  2012-06-30   Publication:  2012-08-27
  • Reference:  Acta Physica Polonica B  

  • Exclusive rho0 muoproduction on transversely polarised protons and deuterons
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2012-08-01
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B865 (2012) 1  

  • Control Systems: an Application to a High Energy Physics Experiment (COMPASS)
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, A.S. Nunes, C. Pires, C. Quintans and S. Ramos
  • Publication:  2012-05-24
  • Reference:  IEEE Catalog Number: CFP12AQT-PRT  

  • Transverse spin effects in hadron-pair production from semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, M. Quaresma, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2011-12-14   Publication:  2012-05-11
  • Reference:  Phys. Lett. B 713 (2012) 10  

  • First Measurement of Chiral Dynamics in pi-gamma->pi-pi-pi+
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2012-05-11
  • Reference:  Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 (2012) 192001  

  • Future Drell-Yan measurements in COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans et al., for COMPASS Collaboration
  • Acceptance:  2010-11-14   Publication:  2011-12-31
  • Reference:  Procs. of 19th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN2010), PT 2, 295, 012163 (2011)  

  • Quark Helicity Distributions from Longitudinal Spin Asymmetries in Muon-Proton and Muon-Deuteron Scattering
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2010-07-21
  • Reference:  PLB 693 (2010) 227-235  

  • Azimuthal asymmetries of charged hadrons produced by high energy muons off longitudinally polarized deuterons
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2010-07-07
  • Reference:  EPJC 70 (2010) 39-49  

  • Observation of a JPC = 1-+ exotic resonance in diffractive dissociation of 190 GeV/c pi- into pi-pi-pi+
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2010-06-21
  • Reference:  PRL 104 (2010) 241803  

  • Drell-Yan beam test 2009
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans et al.
  • Publication:  2010-06-21
  • Reference:  COMPASS Note 2010-5  

  • COMPASS-II Proposal
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, M. Stolarski, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2010-05-17
  • Reference:   CERN-SPSC-2010-014  

  • Measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on transversely polarised protons
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2010-04-14
  • Reference:  PLB 692 (2010) 240-246  

  • Estimation of the Drell-Yan process cross-section and of some important parameters for luminosity calculation for the future Drell-Yan measurements at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans et al.
  • Publication:  2010-04-13
  • Reference:  COMPASS Note 2010-4  

  • The spin-dependent structure function of the proton g1p and a Test of the Bjorken Sum Rule
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, A.S. Nunes, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2010-01-02
  • Reference:  PLB 690 (2010) 466-472  

  • Measurement of the Longitudinal Spin Transfer to Lambda and Lambda-bar Hyperons in Polarized Muon DIS
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2009-10-07
  • Reference:  EPJC 64 (2009) 171-179  

  • Flavour Separation of Helicity Distributions from Deep Inelastic Muon-Deuteron Scattering
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2009-09-04
  • Reference:  PLB 680 (2009) 217-224  

  • Kinematical plots from Drell-Yan beam test 2007
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans et al.
  • Publication:  2009-05-07
  • Reference:  COMPASS Release Note DY  

  • Gluon Polarisation in the Nucleon and Longitudinal Double Spin Asymmetries from Open Charm Muoproduction
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2009-04-24
  • Reference:  PLB 676 (2009) 31-38  

  • Collins and Sivers asymmetries for pions and kaons in muon-deuteron DIS
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2008-02-05   Acceptance:  2009-01-20   Publication:  2009-01-30
  • Reference:  PLB 673 (2009) 127-135  

  • Direct Measurement of the Gluon Polarisation in the Nucleon via Charm Meson Production
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Publication:  2008-02-08
  • Reference:    

  • The Polarised Valence Quark Distribution from semi-inclusive DIS
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2007-07-07   Acceptance:  2007-12-18   Publication:  2008-01-18
  • Reference:  PLB 660 (2008) 458-465  

  • Double spin asymmetry in exclusive rho0 muonproduction at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2007-04-14   Acceptance:  2007-07-10   Publication:  2007-08-16
  • Reference:  EPJ C52 (2007) 255-265  

  • The Compass Experiment at CERN
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Franco, F. Mota, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, D. Sora, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2007-03-06   Acceptance:  2007-03-13   Publication:  2007-04-04
  • Reference:  NIMA 577 (2007) 415-518  

  • Spin asymmetry A1d and the spin-dependent structure function g1d of the deuteron at low values of x and Q2
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2007-01-02   Acceptance:  2007-01-02   Publication:  2007-02-22
  • Reference:  PLB 647 (2007) 330-340  

  • The Deuteron Spin-dependent Structure Function g1d and its First Moment
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2006-09-20   Acceptance:  2006-12-22   Publication:  2007-02-03
  • Reference:  PLB 647 (2007) 8-17  

  • Spin asymmetry A1d and the spin-dependent structure function g1d of the deuteron at low values of x and Q2
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos et al.
  • Submission:  2006-09-20   Acceptance:  2006-12-22   Publication:  2007-02-03
  • Reference:  PLB 647 (2007) 330-340  

  • A new measurement of the Collins and Sivers asymmetries on a transversely polarised target
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, L. Silva et al.
  • Submission:  2006-09-27   Acceptance:  2006-10-30   Publication:  2007-02-03
  • Reference:  Nucl. Phys. B765 (2007) 31-70  

  • psi' production in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV/nucleon
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, G. Borges, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos R. Shahoyan et al.
  • Submission:  2006-12-06   Acceptance:  2006-12-06   Publication:  2007-01-31
  • Reference:  Euro. Phys. J. C49 (2007) 559  

  • Recent COMPASS Results on the Polarised Structure Function g1d of the
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans et al.
  • Submission:  2006-10-06   Acceptance:  2006-10-06   Publication:  2006-10-06
  • Reference:  Procs. of 17th International Spin Physics Symposium (SPIN06)  

  • J/psi and psi' production and their normal nuclear absorption in proton-nucleus collisions at 400 GeV
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, G. Borges, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos R. Shahoyan et al.
  • Submission:  2006-10-06   Acceptance:  2006-10-06   Publication:  2006-10-06
  • Reference:  Euro. Phys. J. C48 (2006) 329.  

  • Bottomonium and Drell-Yan production in p-A collisions at 450 GeV
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, G. Borges, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos R. Shahoyan et al.
  • Submission:  2006-07-01   Acceptance:  2006-07-01   Publication:  2006-07-01
  • Reference:  Physics Letters B635(2006) 260  

  • Gluon polarization in the nucleon from quasi-real photoproduction of high-pT hadron pairs
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, M. Varanda et al.
  • Submission:  2005-11-22   Acceptance:  2005-11-22   Publication:  2005-11-22
  • Reference:  Phys Lett B 633 (2006) 25  

  • Final results on charmonia suppression from NA50
  • Autor(es):  NA50 Collaboration (C. Quintans et al.)
  • Submission:  2005-10-11   Acceptance:  2005-10-11   Publication:  2005-10-11
  • Reference:  Proceedings 9th ICPAQGP  

  • The production of rho, omega and phi vector-mesons by protons and sulphur ions with incident momentum of 200 GeV/c per nucleon
  • Autor(es):  MC Abreu, P. Bordalo, G. Borges, R. Ferreira, J. Guimarães, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos, R. Shahoyan et al.
  • Submission:  2005-10-11   Acceptance:  2005-10-11   Publication:  2005-10-11
  • Reference:  Eur. Phys. J C 44 (2005), 375  

  • Recent gluon polarization results from COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  C. Quintans et al.
  • Submission:  2005-07-04   Acceptance:  2005-07-04   Publication:  2005-07-04
  • Reference:  Proc. of QCD05, July 2005, Montpellier, France  

  • Measurement of the spin structure of the deuteron in the DIS region
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, M. Varanda et al.
  • Submission:  2005-03-21   Acceptance:  2005-03-21   Publication:  2005-03-21
  • Reference:  Phys Lett B612 (2005) 154  

  • Measurement of the spin structure of the deuteron in the DIS region
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos et al.
  • Submission:  2005-01-18   Acceptance:  2005-03-12   Publication:  2005-03-21
  • Reference:  PLB 612 (2005) 154  

  • Search for the Phi(1860) pentaquark at COMPASS
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, M. Varanda et al.
  • Submission:  2005-03-15   Acceptance:  2005-03-15   Publication:  2005-03-15
  • Reference:  Eur Phys J C41 (2005) 469  

  • A new measurement of J/PSI suppression in Pb-Pb collisions at 158 GeV per nucleon
  • Autor(es):  P. Bordalo, G. Borges, C. Quintans, S. Ramos, H. Santos R. Shahoyan et al.
  • Submission:  2005-01-21   Acceptance:  2005-01-21   Publication:  2005-01-21
  • Reference:  Eur Phys J C39 (2005) 335  

Ver todas as publicações do grupo

Catarina Quintans, Lisboa

Celso Franco, Lisboa

Christophe Pires, Lisboa

Gonçalo Terça, External

Luís Silva, Lisboa

Marcin Stolarski, Lisboa

Paula Bordalo, Lisboa

Sérgio Ramos, Lisboa

Sofia Nunes, Lisboa
Estudante de Doutoramento



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