Four new master's thesis defended in Coimbra
"Between September 26 and 28, four new masters graduated. Congratulations to Francisco, Jorge, António and Giorgio!"
September ended with a quartet of new masters among LIP (and University of Coimbra) students!
On the 26th, Francisco Casalinho, from the FCC group, defended his master's thesis, entitled "Probing the Vacuum with di-Higgs Production at the FCC". The work was supervised by Filipe Veloso and Ricardo Gonçalo. The jury was composed by the first supervisor, Inês Ochoa and Pedro Costa.
On the same day, Jorge Francisco Gama da Silva also defended his master's thesis. The work "Transmission muon tomography using ultra-low gas consumption RPC technology", part of the RPC group's RPCInnova project, was scored with 19.
Two days later, it was the turn of Giorgio Canezin and António Caramelo.
António Caramelo, from the ATLAS group, defended his thesis on "High Granularity Timing Detector's Patch Panel Filter Testing", supervised by Pedro Assis and Ricardo Gonçalo. The jury included Pedro Assis, Francisco Neves, João Guimarães (IHEP, Beijing), tefan Guindon (CERN) and António Castanhola (UC).
The thesis "A nRPC-4D neutron Detector Concept with Timing and Tridimensional Position Readout", by Giorgio Canezin, was supervised by Luís Margato and Andrei Morozov. The work, which is part of the NDET group, was evaluated by Filipa Borges, João Cardoso and Luís Margato.
Congratulations to all!