LIP among the new Ombusdpersons of the Pierre Auger Collaboration
"Pedro Assis, researcher from LIP, has taken office as one of the new Ombusdpersons of the collab"
Photo credits: © Observatory Pierre Auger
The Pierre Auger Collaboration is made up of a mix of people—scientists, engineers, technicians, students, and support staff. They come from different places and backgrounds but are brought together by their shared interest in science. The Collaboration sees this diversity as a good thing and wants to make sure everyone feels included and valued.
Aiming to ensure that everyone has a good experience and that the work environment is professional, fair and respectful, the Collaboration has created a set of rules called a Code of Conduct. These rules are there to make sure everyone is free from all forms of discrimination, harassment and retaliation.
To help convert the motivations of the Code of Conduct into best practises within the community, two people have taken office as the new Ombudsperson of the Pierre Auger Collaboration: Carola Dobrigkeit of the University of Campinas (Brazil) and Pedro Assis of LIP.
The Code of Conduct, approved in November 2021, is available here and is open to the public.