Artificial Intelligence for the European Open Science Cloud
Beneficiary Entity
LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas
Project summary
The AI4EOSC (Artificial Intelligence for the European Open Science Cloud) delivers an enhanced set of advanced services for thedevelopment of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL) models and applications in the EuropeanOpen Science Cloud (EOSC). These services are bundled together into a comprehensive platform providing advanced features such asdistributed, federated and split learning; novel provenance metadata for AI/ML/DL models; event-driven data processing services orprovisioning of AI/ML/DL services based on serverless computing. The project builds on top of the DEEP-Hybrid-DataCloud outcomesand the EOSC compute platform and services in order to provide this specialized compute platform. Moreover, AI4EOSC offerscustomization components in order to provide tailor made deployments of the platform, adapting to the evolving user needs.The main outcomes of the AI4EOSC project will be a measurable increase of the number of advanced, high level, customizableservices available through the EOSC portal, serving as a catalyst for researchers, facilitating the collaboration, easing access to high-end pan-European resources and reducing the time to results; paired with concrete contributions to the EOSC exploitationperspective, creating a new channel to support the build-up of the EOSC Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning community ofpractice.
Support under
Reforçar a investigação, o desenvolvimento tecnológico e a inovação
Region of Intervention
Total eligible cost
€ 4,997,125.00
EU financial support
Funding for LIP
€ 4,997,125.00
€ 350,250.00
National public financial support
€ 0.00
WP7 - Software and service quality, data FAIRness | Oral presentation in collaboration meeting |
José Miguel Viana Alves |
Mário Jorge Moura David |
Samuel Sousa Nascimento Bernardo |
Zacarias José Miranda Benta |