
FCT evaluation of R&D Units

The visit to LIP will take place on Wednesday, June 12th, from 9:00 to 13:00 in Lisboa. It will start with a session at the 3is auditorium (LIP presentation + questions from the panel). All LIP members are invited.

Panel members: Peter Butler (Chair), Deborah O'Connell, Farvah Nazila Mahmoudi, Giampaolo Pisano, Hanns-Ulrich Habermeier, Konstantinos Kokkotas, Paul Soler, Rolf Allenspach, Tulkki Jukka, Zaher Salman

The documentation we submitted (in January 2018) can be found here.

LIP's International Advisory Board Report

The executive summary of LIP’s Advisory Board report, produced following the meeting held in Coimbra on May 3 and 4, can be found here

The final LIP 2018/2019 Reports can be found here:

Public Report 2018/19

Detailed Report 2018/19

LIP Scientific Council

The summary of the last meeting, still waiting for approval can be found here

Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  

LIP Staff association

Efforts towards the creation of a LIP staff association have recently been initiated. In the last meeting, a working group to draft the by-laws has been established.

For more information, please contact

Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  

"Lei da Ciência"

The Decree-Law no. 63/2019 was published in Diário da República, reviewing the legal regime of R&D institutions and other stakeholders in the national science and technology system. It defines the general principles of its evaluation and financing, and regulates the valuation, access and dissemination of knowledge.

Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  

Import of CVs into  CIÊNCIAVITAE

In view to the opening of the next CERN and PTDC Fund calls, it is importation that the LIP members import the CV's of the former FCT Sig and DeGóis platforms into the new CIÊNCIAVITAE platform.

More info | Slides


New projects and collaborations

: the LHC phyiscs conference

Agenda and other links can be found here  

SNO+ URM built at the Mechanical Workshop and Detectors Lab in Coimbra sent to SNOLAB

More info

LIP and SPF in the 100 years of Eddington’s eclipse observation

More info  

EPPS update news 

CERN celebrated the 40 years of Physics in the SPS NA  

(more on the next LIP-News Bulletin)

O LIP no Encontro Ciência 2019

08-10 July 
  • 8 Julho, 11h30
    - Nuno Castro,  "Big Data and Machine Learning in High Energy Physics”
  • 8 Jul, 14h 
    - Patrícia Gonçalves, “Participação Científica em Futuras Missões Espaciais"
  • 9 Jul, 14h 
    - Nuno Castro, "Participação portuguesa no upgrade do Grande Colisionador de Hadrões (LHC) do CERN".
    - Paulo Crespo, “Terapia com protões: vantagens clínicas e desafios tecnológicos".
  • 10 Jul, 15h30  
    - Jorge Gomes, "Lessons for effective use of HPC", INICIATIVA NACIONAL COMPETÊNCIAS DIGITAIS 

Ciência Viva Internships

At LIP-Lisboa, the internships will talke place on the 1st week of July. More info


2019 LIP Summer Internship Programme

Student registration closed on May 31 2019. Student selection is ongoing. 

For more infoProgram’s website or contact

LIP Summer Students Programme 2018

LIP-News Bulletin

It was decided to slightly delay the issue foreseen for May, due to several conflicting schedules.

It will be out by the end of June/beginning of July. Absolute deadline for contributions: June 20.

Contact: or


Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  

Periodic Table Enigmas

In the 150 years of the Periodic Table, LIP is posting every Friday an enigma on an element, based on its relation to particle physics. The answer is published on the following Monday. Contributions are very welcome!
Contribute hereSee already published enigmas.

Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  

LIP Summer Students Programme 2018

Encontro Casa das Ciências

FCUL, 10-12 Jul    LIP will be present with three different workshops for teachers, on:
Exploring the ATLAS Open Data;  Experimenting with sensors, RPis and Python; Building a cloud chamber;

More info

Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  

Flyers about LIP

Flyers about LIP

This is meant to be the first and most general one of a family of flyers on more specific topics: the different research areas or research lines at LIP; advanced training at LIP, etc. Please have a look, comments and suggestions are most welcome!

LIP Summer Students Programme 2018

Updating the research group info on the LIP website

The texts introducing the research groups, competence centers or infrastructures in the LIP website are an important visiting card. They should be concise and understandable by those who visit us. This is particularly important in view of the ongoing evaluation of the research units.

Please remember these texts can be updated directly in the LIP database.
Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18  


Visits to the CMS Detector at the LHC

Have you ever wondered what High-Energy Physics is? What exactly it takes to run an experiment at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider? Or perhaps how the Higgs boson was discovered?


IBERGRID 2024|28-30 OCT|Porto 

2024-10-28 / 2024-10-30



Calls and Opportunities