Since 1986
This month we celebrate the 34th anniversary of LIP — still in telework mode, but already expecting the return, slow and protected as it must be. But do we really want things to be exactly as they were before? What is it worth going back to, and what would we like to change? In this anniversary month, we can extend the question to this community we are part of. What is LIP and what do we want it to be? Thinking about the future of an institution involves recognizing its origin and identity. With your help, we will gather contributions to this brainstorm — from the stories of LIP's history to what is most needed now!
Widening participation for better communications at LIP
MAY - 2020
more info
MAR 2018
Taking SNO+ shifts from home
Computing at (virtual) LIP
At least this is not visible in computing resources usage graphs. The plots show the number of accesses to LIP machines and of jobs in the farm. In both of team, you see a slight Easter effect in April, but no sign of the lockdown, which started in March 13.
Telework survey: What have we learned?
- The majority of people works as efficiently as, or more efficiently at home than in the office
- 90% of the respondents would like to work from home 1 (28%), 2 (50%) or even 3 (12%) days per week in normal conditions
- Biggest advantage: for 1/2 of the people, it's not having to commute; for 1/4, better concentration. The other 1/4 just does not like it!
- Biggest challenge: It varies widely, but biggest slices are housekeeping tasks, lack of motivation, children at home and remote meetings!
- Technical conditions: most people were already ok before, about 1/4 improved a lot now, 10% are still fighting with problems... can we help?
Telework and health
- Make sure you have a good chair and an ergonomic working position
- Have a break every 1.5 or 2 hours maximum — exercise your eyes (looking through the window at a distant spot) and your body (see here).
Go for a walk/run! - Drink water and eat healthy and
at regular hours - See CERN's advice on mental and physical health
local_cafe COFFEE TIME
We created a virtual meeting point. Every Thursday at 10h30, just pass by and see who’s there for a chat and a coffee.Note: For a more regular contact there is a Slack channel chat
A team linked to FCUL is conducting a survey on the reactions to Covid-19 prevention measures.
To participate:
COVID-19: Present rules at LIP
First stage of deconfinement:- The teleworking regime should continue to be privileged as far as possible.
- Access
and permanence in the LIP premises must respect the rules defined for
the campus where they are located and comply with the hygiene rules
(washing and disinfection of hands), use of mask and distancing defined
by the DGS.
- In particular, in offices with less than 20 m2,
there should not be more than one person at the same time. For LIP
members who may have to stay on the premises and contact other LIP
members, it is recommended that, in addition to the mask, they use one
of the visors produced at the LIP Mechanical Workshops, which are
available at the Lisboa and Coimbra secretariats. These visors must be
sterilized daily with alcohol or immersed in a solution with bleach for a
- Infrastructure coordinators must agree with the
management on how the infrastucture will operate, particularly if this
implies the regular use of LIP's facilities.
FCT News
- General Covid-19 info for the scientific community
- Portal Science 4 Covid-19
University news
More info and resources
(Covid-19 related)• Government
• CERN - Discover CERN online
• Ciência Viva
EU Funding opportunities
- Individual Fellowships - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, ID: MSCA-IF-2020
- Widening Fellowships - Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, ID: WF-03-2020
- Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes - ID: MSCA-COFUND-2020
- Cloud Computing: towards a smart cloud computing continuum - ID: ICT-40-2020
LIP Internship Program news
- The presentations sessions in Minho, Coimbra a Lisbon were quite participated and successful
- The 5 projects at Minho are fully complete - registration is closed.
- There are currently 33 projects in Lisboa and Coimbra (there may still be more), with a reasonable balance between the 4 areas
- Student registration is open until the
end of May
LIP/IDPASC student workshop
The workshop will be held online on 25-27 JuneLIP event dates - update
- Strong Interactions in Lisbon, Cancelled
- LIP/IDPASC student workshop, 25-27 June online
- PANIC, Postponed to 2021
- CERN Teachers’ School, Cancelled
- Data Science School, Coimbra, 19 Oct
- IDPASC School, Nazaré, postponed to
24 May 2021
Reports, minutes, etc.
- Advisory committee's report executive summary
- Summary of last Directorates meeting
- LIP's final Detailed and Public 2019/2020 reports
- Executive summary of the Advisory Committee's report: now inside the public report
local_cafe COFFEE TIME
We created a virtual meeting point. Every Thursday at 10h30, just pass by and see who’s there for a chat and a coffee.Note: For a more regular contact there is a Slack channel chat
Flyers about LIP
This is meant to be the first and most general one of a family of flyers on more specific topics: the different research areas or research lines at LIP; advanced training at LIP, etc. Please have a look, comments and suggestions are most welcome!
Updating the research group info on the LIP website
The texts introducing the research groups, competence centers or infrastructures in the LIP website are an important visiting card. They should be concise and understandable by those who visit us. This is particularly important in view of the ongoing evaluation of the research units.
Please remember these texts can be updated directly in the LIP database.
Twitter, #LHCIMC18 #PTIMC18