

#5 projectos disponíveis

test project submission
blah blah blah

Grupo : MuTom
Local : Lisboa
Supervisor(s) : Sofia a
Email :
Vagas : 0
Duração/Datas : june - september

Characterisation of plastic scintillators read by SiPMs
Scintillation detectors have historically been one of the fundamental tools in instrumentation. The advent of SiPMs (Silicon Photomultipliers) has further enhanced their usefulness, making the reading of scintillation light easier and cheaper. One of the traditional uses of scintillators in instrumentation is as trigger detectors. In this internship, we propose the characterisation of different plastic scintillators, with various geometries, read out by modern SiPMs and advanced acquisition systems based on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). The study will focus on evaluating the efficiency and time resolution of these devices. During the internship, students will have direct contact with the instrumentation, participating in the assembly of the experimental device, including the DAQ (Data Acquisition) system, the amplification electronics and the integration of the SiPMs themselves.

Grupo : RPC
Local : Coimbra
Supervisor(s) : Alberto Blanco
Email :
Vagas : 3
Duração/Datas : July to 15- September

Characterisation of Sealed RPC Chambers
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) are gaseous detectors with high performance, especially in time resolution. Historically, they have been used in high-energy physics experiments in laboratories. Traditionally, this technology requires complex gas injection and purification systems. Recently, the LIP (Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas) has developed a new technology of sealed RPC chambers, pioneering this breakthrough worldwide. This innovation will completely eliminate the need for a gas system, opening up new possibilities, such as use in cosmic ray experiments at remote locations. In this internship, we propose the characterisation of these detectors using a small cosmic-ray telescope equipped with sealed RPC cameras. During the internship, students will have direct contact with the instrumentation, participating in the assembly of the experimental device, including the DAQ (Data Acquisition) system, the amplifier electronics and the integration of the RPCs.

Grupo : RPC
Local : Coimbra
Supervisor(s) : Alberto Blanco
Email :
Vagas : 3
Duração/Datas : July to 15- September

Detectores gasosos R&D
No grupo de detectores R&D trabalhamos com detectores gasosos com o intuito de melhorar as suas características ou adaptar as existentes a necessidades especificas. Com a criação de experiências de grandes dimensões, frequentes em Colaborações Internacionais, novas solicitações têm surgido relativamente ao desempenho dos contadores gasosos. É com este tema genérico que vimos propor o nosso estágio de verão. O/a aluno(a) vai aprender os princípios de funcionamento de detetores gasosos, e contactar com técnicas associadas à montagem e funcionamento destes detetores, bem como ter contacto com aplicações possíveis para os mesmos. Será assim iniciado em técnicas de vazio, manuseamento de gases, recolha e tratamento de dados, montagem de detectores, ou seja, técnicas experimentais relacionadas com detectores gasosos, bem como apoio teórico sobre o tema em estudo e o objetivo do trabalho. O/a estagiário/a será também incitado e ajudado a fazer alguma pesquisa autónoma sobre os assuntos em estudo. Pretende-se familiarizar o/a estagiário/a com técnicas laboratoriais realçando também a formação e pesquisa teóricas.

Grupo : GasDet
Local : Coimbra
Supervisor(s) : Filipa Borges, Afonso Marques
Email :
Vagas : 2
Duração/Datas : Julho a Setembro (a combinar)

Science Planning and Operations of the ESA JUICE Mission Radiation Monitor
The ESA JUpiter ICy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission, launched in April 2023, is set to explore Jupiter and its largest moons, particularly Ganymede, Callisto, and Europa. JUICE carries the RADiation-hard Electron Monitor (RADEM), designed to measure high-energy radiation in the harsh Jovian environment, and during the cruise to Jupiter. Characterizing all components of the space radiation environment: cosmic rays, solar energetic particles and planetary trapped particles; is essential for studying its effects on spacecraft, instruments, and the habitability of icy moons. This internship proposal focuses on supporting the science planning and operational activities of RADEM, including data analysis, calibration, and mission scheduling. Successful candidates will familiarize themselves with the RADEM instrument, build interactive visualization tools for data analysis and command sequencing, and predict radiation exposure throughout the mission using existing models and early RADEM data.

Grupo : SpaceRad
Local : Lisboa
Supervisor(s) : Marco Pinto
Email :
Vagas : 2
Duração/Datas : July (indicative)