15th IEEE International Conference on Dielectric Liquids

26 June-1st July, 2005, Coimbra, Portugal


Instructions for Presentations New !!

Programme Updated !!


Instructions for authors

Accommodation Updated !!


Useful links


   1st Announcement    Pre-registration    Deadlines   Grants   Programme Updated !! Sponsors

Conference proceedings

All contributions presented at the Conference can be submitted to the Conference Proceedings, a non-reviewed publication, which will be printed and issued as CD ROM. Both are included in the IEEE Conference Publication Program and related catalogue and distributed to all registered attendees to the conference. The papers included in the conference proceedings will also be available on-line at IEEE Xplore©.

All contributed papers - whether presented in oral or poster form - are strictly limited to four printed pages including references, figures and tables. The deadline for manuscript submission to conference proceedings is March 15, 2005.

The preparation and submission of manuscripts comprise the following steps:

  1. Prepare a manuscript using the template (available here) and following the instructions therein.

  2. Use the PDF eXpress tool to convert your MS Word file into a IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file, or alternatively check your own PDF files for compatibility. Detailed instructions for the procedure to follow are found here.

  3. Email to icdl2005@lipc.fis.uc.pt the PDF file obtained using the PDF eXpress. The ID number given to your paper by ICDL2005 should be mentioned in the subject of the email message.

  4. Fax to ICDL2005 at +351 239 822358, the copyright form (available here)

Please note that, in order to have a paper published in the proceedings, the following conditions have to be fulfilled:

  1. The paper must follow the formatting guidelines specified in the approved template. Proofread and check the layout of manuscript BEFORE and AFTER going to PDF eXpress for creating your IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF.

  2. The PDF file obtained with PDF eXpress tool and the copyright form must be received by March 15, 2005. Failure in receiving one of these items in due time will render impossible to include the paper in the proceedings, both printed and in CD-ROM.

  3. The registration fee of the author that will present the paper at the conference must be received by ICDL2005 Secretariat not later than April 30, 2005. Otherwise, we will not be able to include the paper in the proceedings. Note that no attendee is allowed to present more than two papers

Special Issue of IEEE TDEI on Dielectric Liquids

The participants of ICDL2005 are encouraged to submit a contribution to a special issue on Dielectric Liquids of the IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation (TDEI), a peer reviewed journal. The papers submitted to the TDEI, if based on those published in the ICDL conference proceedings, must be substantially expanded.

The deadline for submission of manuscripts for publication in this special issue of TDEI is September 15, 2005.

The submission of manuscripts has to be made electronically on www.cloznet.com/ieeetdei. During submission, authors must choose from the dropdown menu the name of the Guest Editor (I. Lopes). After this choice is made, the subject of the issue will show automatically Dielectric Liquids.
Instructions for authors, a template and guidelines to prepare the manuscript are also available at www.cloznet.com/ieeetdei.


Organizer: Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas - Coimbra.

Sponsored by IEEE Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation Society